Monday, January 31, 2011
Free Dinner Anyone?
Friday, January 28, 2011
Putting It All On The Line
Monday, January 24, 2011
Reader Q&A: Stockpiling
"Most of coupon shopping seems to do with stockpiling items on sale. But the items don't always seem to go together in such a way to make a meal. I guess after several weeks of stockpiling, your pantry will lead to meals. I guess that because of that I don't see what makes couponing better than just careful meal planning around the weekly sales ads and only buying the things you really need. Can you help me understand? Thanks!" -Naomi of Knoxville
Stockpiling often brings hoarders to mind. And maybe this is so but its hoarding for a real purpose. Stockpiling is buying and stocking a great deal of food for the purpose of a rainy day, to save money or to just not have to run to the grocery store every five minutes! We pretty much always make budget conscious meals but to buy materials even for the cheapest meals sometimes is more expensive than it needs to be. For example, Spaghetti is $1+ a box, but in most cases on a good sale you can get it for free or under 10 cents. Spaghetti sauce is normally $2 a jar but on a good sale,its 50 cents. Most meals are made with "staples", meaning can soup, pasta, rice, etc. These staple items are used in the majority or our meals. Also, we use sales to plan our meals. We use staples mixed with perishable goods that are on sale to create our meal ideas. By stockpiling, you are allowing yourself to pay the best price for a items you are probably going to use instead of paying full price in a rush because you need it now. Grocery stores go on 6 week cycles with their sales, so I stock up on 6 weeks of a great sale each time they have it. That way during the 5 odd weeks, I don't have to pay full price, which I HATE DOING! Haha.
Hope this makes sense to you. Couponing should be used in conjunction with budget conscious meal planning. Another thing, I think couponing helps is allowing you to cook different meals because you are getting to try some stuff for free and it changes things up a bit. :)
Here are some quick shots of my stockpile items (not to include whats already in my pantry..haha):
Here are some additional resources to help you start stockpiling today:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Shopping Success 1/23 Kroger Trip
Saturday, January 22, 2011
If You Don't Know Jack, You're Might Be Missing Out!
Now that you have been schooled by an 11 year old, you can understand a bit of the potential for savings with the Magic Jack. We have used our for nearly a year now (all be it not daily) and we have found it to be extremely worthwhile if you need a home phone. It works for us perfectly when we need it and does exactly what it was meant to do.
There are cons for the Magic Jack though. You must have a computer and it must be on for you to be able to receive or make calls. The call quality is great for ours and when the computer is not on, messages are forwarded to your email. How amazing is that?? You can check your message from ANYWHERE you have a computer! Yet, its still not "magical" even with this feature. The customer service is also not great.
Friday, January 21, 2011
365: A Year of Saving!
365 days doesn’t seem like a lot of time to change your life, but for anyone that has experienced life-altering circumstances, they know that even one day can change your life entirely. The life lessons you are taught by each day give you the opportunity to change.
Now, lets get to the life-altering moment in my life that brings me to creating this blog and taking on the hefty task of saving $15,000 in 365 days.........
As a child, my parents owned a business, a beautiful home in a quiet country neighborhood in Oklahoma and it was the picture perfect life for our family of six. But come on? That wouldn’t be interesting, right? No, of course not, so we continue.
Flash-forward one year. Switch the beautiful home in a quiet country to this....
No, we didn’t own it.....
For almost two years, we shared time living at this motel, a van and a WONDERFUL homeless family housing project. The time we spent homeless was stressful at times, but we also gained unimaginable memories and strengths from the lessons that we learned EVERY day. Surprisingly, some of my favorite childhood moments came from a time that my family and a dog camped out and lived in one van eating $1 Whoppers from Burger King for many dinners.
With that being said, it also created indescribable fears that I would carry through life and I will probably never be able to shake. I don’t ever want to live the life of uncertainty ever again, especially as a mother. And luckily, I haven’t since graduating college.
And here we are with 2011 freshly sprung upon us, we are changing our habits and everyday lifestyle as we “tighten the belt.” With our income, we could get by living comfortably like we have done in past years, but we wouldn’t be able to save for the all-to-common “rainy-day” that I know too well can come in an instant.
So here’s the plan: Cut every unnecessary cost, luxury and bills down to the bare minimum that our sanity can withstand! This blog will document our journey that leads us to $15,000 in 365.
And no post about childhood would be complete without a glorious family photo (sans dad). Marvel at our eye-catching style and please don't be too jealous....